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SUNY Corning Community College
Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. Library LibGuides
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Native American Heritage Month
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New and Interesting!: Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month
New Books in our Collections
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Books on Display
Project 562 : changing the way we see Native America
A council of dolls
The rediscovery of America : native peoples and the unmaking of U.S. history
Indigenous continent : the epic contest for North America
The heartbeat of Wounded Knee : native America from 1890 to the
Fry Bread
The moundbuilders : ancient peoples of eastern North America
A forest of time : American Indian ways of history
Women in science now : stories and strategies for achieving equity
Mentoring scientists and engineers : the essential skills, principles and processes
The art of digital fabrication : STEAM projects for the makerspace and art studio
Engineers : from the great pyramids to spacecraft
50 inventions that shaped the modern economy
Craft in the laboratory : the science of making things
Understanding how science explains the world
Experimenting on a small planet : a history of scientific discoveries, a future of climate change and global warming
Broad Band
STEM, theatre arts, and interdisciplinary integrative learning : bridging the cultures
New Books in our Collections >>