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Women's History Month
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New and Interesting!: Women's History Month
Women's History Month
Women's History Month
New Books in our Collections
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Books on Display
Women in science now : stories and strategies for achieving equity
All in her head : the truth and lies early medicine taught us about women's bodies and why it matters today
Eloquent rage : a Black feminist discovers her superpower
Ride or die : a feminist manifesto for the well-being of Black women
The Hello Girls : America's first women soldiers
Suffrage : women's long battle for the vote
Mother tongue : the surprising history of women's words
We were feminists once : from Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl®, the buying and selling of a political movement
The feminine mystique
No small courage : a history of women in the United States
One Divided by Pi (To 1 Million Digits
Pi (π) in nature, art, and culture : geometry as a hermeneutic science
The magic of math : solving for x and figuring out why
Math bytes : Google bombs, chocolate-covered pi, and other cool bits in computing
How to bake [pi] : an edible exploration of the mathematics of mathematics
Life of Pi
Sir Cumference and the dragon of pi : a math adventure
Pi : a biography of the world's most mysterious number
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