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Women's Suffrage: Beyond Suffrage

Beyond Suffrage

Warren K. Leffler. (26-Aug-70). Women's Lib. march. Retrieved from

The Women's Suffrage Movement was linked to many other progressive movements of the day, including the Labor Movement and Abolition. Activists like Sojourner Truth, Fredrick Douglas, and Ida B. Wells spoke out for both the abolition of slavery and the rights of universal suffrage. The likes of Susan B. Anthony and "Mother" Mary Harris Jones worked for labor reforms, particularly an end to child labor. 

The Suffrage Movement was just one step toward voting equality, equity, and universal rights. This initial step lead to the Civil Rights Movement, the Women's Liberation Movement, the campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment, gave rise to women in the workforce, and is still a catalyst for many more progressive movements today. People of all backgrounds have been engaged in an ongoing effort to secure their rights in the US and the rest of the world. for more information you can visit our LibGuides on Anti-Racism and LGBTQIA+ Resources. You can also check out a few videos below about women who were and still are working for a more equitable society.