There are different tools for different searches. If you aren't sure which resource is right for you, schedule time with a librarian to learn how to make the most of our resources. Or, if you can't come into the library, access one of our helpful TUTORIALS.
a specific book?
Search the Library Catalog to find books, eBooks, journal articles, videos, and other physical materials.
a specific article?
If you have the information for a specific article, try using the Journal Locator tool.
a specific database?
Use the Databases A-Z list to find databases by name or by subject. Each database contains unique content.
recommended resources for a particular class or subject?
Research guides are developed by library staff with input from faculty to include suggested databases, books, websites, tools, and search hints that are specific to a subject or course.
Faculty can schedule library instruction classes by emailing library staff or visiting us in person at the Library Services Desk.
Librarians are here to help you with this very question! You can reach us by email or by phone at 607-962-9251. If you want help with your research, schedule an appointment with a librarian or visit us at the Library Services Desk.
Your library is available wherever you are! From the library homepage, you'll need to log in to your MyCorning account to access library resources 24/7. Once you're logged in, you can browse the library website for books, journal articles, eBooks, and interlibrary loans across the SUNY system. Check out our TUTORIAL PAGE for more information about searching the catalog.
Loan periods for books are 30 days for students and 60 days for faculty and staff. Check your library account for specific loan periods for unique items like Course Reserves, Equipment, DVDs, CDs, and ILL materials.
You can renew an item online in your library account or contact us for assistance.
We have many course materials available for 2-hour checkout at the library services desk.
Use InterLibrary Loan (ILL) to request books and articles from other libraries. Digital articles will be delivered to your library account. Physical titles will be delivered by courier to the Arthur A. Houghton Jr. Library. You'll receive an email when your materials are delivered. See library staff for more information.
Approximately 75 laptops are available for checkout for the duration of the semester. They will be dispersed on a first-come, first-serve basis. To borrow a laptop, students are asked to visit the Arthur A. Houghton Jr., Library Service Desk to sign a laptop loan agreement and take receipt of the laptop, charger, and protective sleeve.
Try our online booking system to reserve an individual or group study room for up to 2 hours per day.
We recommend you contact the Learning Center for more assistance or check out their writing resources.
Residents of Steuben, Chemung, and Schuyler counties can sign up for a library card to check out materials or search the library's collection of academic journals from one of our on-site computers. Vendor licenses restrict off–campus access to academic databases to current faculty, staff, and students.
We a can help you learn how to use the library's online resources to get started with your research, locate books, or answer other general questions. Contact a librarian by
phone: 607-962-9251
or schedule an appointment.
The Learning Center provides tutoring to student writers in all courses and at any stage of the writing process. Individualized help is available by appointment, drop-in, or e-mail. Writing help is conveniently located in the Library/Learning Center on the Spencer Hill campus, and Room U111 at the Elmira Center.