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ENGL 1020: Library Resources

Course Description

Essay writing course designed to advance critical, analytical, and writing abilities begun in ENGL 1010. Literary analysis essays and interpretation of works of fiction, poetry, and drama.

What is Literary Criticism?

Literary criticism is much more than a book report! It involves the study, evaluation, and interpretation of a written work, and may require you to draw a conclusion about the meaning of a story. Knowing about the author's life and the historical context in which a piece was written can help, as well as reading interpretations already written by other literary scholars. You should then support your conclusion using background material, and be sure to include your interpretation of relevant passages from the original work.

Where can I find articles?

You have access to resources through the Library that the general public doesn't.  Databases are powerful tools that make hundreds of thousands of journal and newspaper articles searchable with the click of a button. Each database contains a unique set of resources. This research guide can help you understand which database is right for you. For tips and tricks on how to search the databases, schedule an appointment with a librarian. We'd love to help.

Recommended Databases

E Books

Journal Locator

While you can do a Google Search to find the websites of specific publications, you may come across paywalls or have limited access to that publication's content.

Use the Journal Locator to find out if we have access to a particular publication and how to access it in our catalog. Search by the title of the publication.

Ask A Librarian

We a can help you learn how to use the library's online resources to get started with your research, locate books, or answer other general questions. Contact a librarian by
phone: 607-962-9251
or schedule an appointment.

Library Hours