Spaces on the upper and lower levels of the building are accessible by elevator.
Universal entry to the Library is provided at the main (upper-level) entrance with power-assisted doors. Power-assisted doors are also available at the Chemung and Schuyler link entrances on the lower level.
Accessible parking is located behind the Library building, next to the Schuyler building link.
Library staff are available to help retrieve materials from shelves that are not accessible to all patrons. Additionally, patrons can request retrieval of materials for pickup by sending a list of items via email. These materials will be held at the Library Services Desk for pickup. Time needed for retrieval will vary depending on staff availability.
The Library can convert inaccessible library materials into accessible formats for users with disabilities. Please contact us for more information.
Every patron area in the building contains at least two higher tables to accommodate wheelchairs. Furniture has been spaced out according to accessibility guidelines.
We request OCR-scanned materials when fulfilling ILLs, and can provide accessible versions of these materials if the lending institution does not. Additionally, we can request large print, captioned, or other accessible materials if these are not part of our collections.
Patrons who cannot come in to the library to pick up the requested books may contact us to have someone else act as a proxy to pick up materials on their behalf. Contact us by phone or email for more information.
The lower level of the Library has a space designated for silent study.
Assistance using library resources is available at the Library Services Desk as well as by email, text, or phone.
CCC supports all students in their right to file a complaint when they believe they have been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids, or effective communication as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended and/or the New York State Human Rights Law.
Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with the Office of Accessibility Services. Staff members are available to assist students in trying to resolve issues. If a student feels that a satisfactory resolution has not been reached, the student should deliver a written complaint by email or hard copy to the ADA/504 Compliance Officer ( or A101 Administration Building in the Human Resources Office. The complaint should be filed within a reasonable time, generally two (2) weeks from the time of notification of dis/approved accommodations, and specifically describe the nature of the complaint and the reasons why the resolution is not satisfactory.
The ADA/504 Compliance Officer shall review the complaint and will conduct an independent investigation which may include interviews of parties and witnesses deemed relevant and material to the issues raised and shall make a final determination in the matter and notify all interested parties of the final decision, in writing, within two (2) weeks of receipt of the grievance.
Contact Accessibility Services for more information about accommodations and services for students.
We a can help you learn how to use the library's online resources to get started with your research, locate books, or answer other general questions. Contact a librarian by
phone: 607-962-9251
or schedule an appointment.